Principles message

Principle's Message

Principle's Message
A seed...

It lay right there by a pond nestled close to a smooth rock.

The sun shone on it.

The clouds poured water.

The earth held it close to her bosom.

It looked so vulnerable. Would it be scorched, drowned, buried, eaten
by worms ,or crushed by a hoof?

Would it take root?

Soon a sapling popped out. its green face smiling at the sun

Deeper and deeper , wider and wider went the roots

As higher and higher it grew

Season after season protected by the Lord's will,

Fenced in by the friendly trees.

The roots went deeper everyday nourishing its core

The trunk broadened stouter and stouter

Strong within the tree stretched out its woody arms to call everyone

A gracious host offering its fruits to all to come

Birds nested in its arms

Squirrels, monkey and many more made it their home

Heat or cold ,rain or storm

the tree became a shelter for everyone

Who put the potential in a tender little seed to become a mighty

shelter giving tree?

How can a tree hide inside a seed?
Children are like seeds planted in the garden called school
Our children will grow in the 21St century

Live in a world of even faster change and complexity

Yet , it will Still be a world where kindness ,honesty

respect for others ,co-operation, loving relationships.

The personal ,social and above all the spiritual values

will be at the heart of true happiness

The school is the child’s nurturing ground, his learning

environment, where the tender seed will grow

If the child is grounded deeply in spiritual values...

an awareness of who am i ? who is god?

what is my relationship with god? What is my relationship

with everyone and everything around me?

Heart nourished with this rich spiritual understanding,

the seed grows on to become a tree an induvial with

personal values the manifest in his being as love and respect for all things, man and nature

That nourishment that he continues to draw.

Spiritual values take shape in the form of offerings of fruits

to god and mankind.

Principle's Message